Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I've been New Year's Resolution tagged by Wayne of Dunedin Daily Photo. It goes something like this: When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions we seem to fall into four categories: 1) quite serious about them, 2) flippant about them, 3) pressured to do them, or 4) do not do them.

So, the purpose of this little game is to let us know which category you are in. Now I am going to tell you about my New Year's resolutions, and then tag a few others for the same thing!

I very rarely make New Year's Resolutions because, quite frankly, I break most of the ones I make. However, this year, due to my new "grad student" status, I thought I would make a few:

1) Read more.
2) Write more.
3) Be more patient (Like I said, I tend to break them quickly! :-) )
4) Try to slow down a bit. (See comment above.)

I'm tagging Quint (Portugal), Janet (Selma, AL) Jim (Terrell, TX &who enjoyed Las Vegas, I hope!), and Steve (New Orleans). Check them out!


quintarantino said...


Janet said...

Hey, thanks Chris. I will have to think of more than the one resolution I made!

Janet said...

Okay, Chris! I posted my resolutions. Thanks for "making" me think of some! (Haha)