Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Is It Wednesday?

It must look like I'm into rusty things these days, but they do present interesting subjects at times, don't they?  Can you tell what this is?

For those of you new to this, every Wednesday (or almost every Wednesday), I'll post a photo to see if you can guess what I've shot.  Sometimes people can guess right away, and other times, it's a bit more difficult.

Tune in tomorrow to find out if your guess is right or not!


Virginia said...

Hah! I think I know. Is it part of a man hole cover????

Halcyon said...

I really have no idea, but I think Virginia is on to something.

Mo said...

I'm with Virginia.

Virginia said...

If I win I will split the earnings with Halcyon and Mo!
PS This is a great idea. Maybe we ought to get together and do it once a month or so.

Lynette said...

I know! It's the insides of people who've never eaten one bit of that fresh, fruity salad from the day before! No? OK, I give up. I'll be back to find out the truth.