Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Feeling the Heat

Nashville is HOT! The south is suffering through a heatwave (and drought) this summer, and temperatures have hit the triple digits a few times over the past few days. We are under a heat advisory again today with the temperature expected to hit 102. I happened to drive by the Red Caboose Park in the Bellevue area of Nashville around 11 a.m. yesterday and noticed that not one child was on the playset there. Actually, I was the only person in the entire park, and even I didn't last too long as the heat just pounded down on me as I took this photo. You can see the effects of the drought and heat on the grass which is now nothing more than dry, crunchy blades. And, the weather will not get much better over the next week or so. As a side note, over 1800 Bellevue-area residents helped build the playground in Red Caboose Park in 1996. It includes swings, slides, mazes, climbing stations, and more. In addition to the playground, the park also has picnic tables, a small amphitheater where they hold concerts weekends during the summer, the red caboose (of course) and the old Bellevue cabin (I'll show that sometime.). Stay cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is hot all over the world. And too hot for old folks like me so I have to stay indoors.

Nice photo and it tells the tale.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo