Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tennessee History Days

For the fourth year, the Tennessee History Festival was at Bicentennial Mall. The Festival chronicles 300 years of Tennessee history, starting with the Woodland Indians and DeSoto's explorations and ending with the current Gulf War. Included in the festivities are a mock WWII battle, roving characters such as Andrew Jackson and Davy Crockett, and a campground (above).

The gentleman in the photo was actually baking oatmeal cookies over a wood fire. He said that it took about 10 minutes to bake most cookies, although the oatmeal cookies took a bit longer because the dough is a bit heavier. I thought that wasn't too bad until he mentioned that the cherry pie he had baked the day before took over three hours. Everyone who tasted his cookies said they were delicious.

Note his "tent" in the background. Tomorrow we'll look at it a bit more closely, but for now, can you guess what he has on display in that tent?


Ming the Merciless said...

Is that a big ole bathtub in his tent??

The Food Channel regularly airs the Rodeo Cookout competition. It is always fun to see how the guy cook breakfast on an open camp fire.

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

This is such a great photo. Look at all those cute cast iron pots and pans! Three hours to bake a pie, huh?

I see a clothesline so my guess is: washtubs.

Mike's Travels said...

I'm at a loss to guess! This looks loke a scene from a western film!

lv2scpbk said...

I like the shot of the old look and the clothes hanging on the line.

quintarantino said...

This is a photo reminding us of times gone by!

Deanna said...

Just wanted you to know I'm enjoying your blog! I LOVE Nashville & can't wait to visit again.
I can't guess what's in the tent!

Lynette said...

Sorry, I didn't notice the tent--the red long johns completely distracted me! Neat photo and facts. Thanks.

Janet said...

YUM! Oatmeal cookies over a wood fire! How good those sound.