Thursday, August 9, 2007

Suburban Nashville

When we moved to Nashville from Las Vegas in the mid-90s, we bought a house in a new subdivision located off of a rural route. In the 11 years that we've lived here, a lot of subdivisions have popped up along that rural road, although there are still a few farms with cow pastures on both sides. (Most of these subdivisions now occupy what was once cow pasture.) If you continue on the road past all of the subdivisions, you very quickly come to more farm land.

That's where I took today's photo just after sunset last night. . .just beyond the subdivisions of suburban America and a mere 15 miles from downtown. I think the fact that we still have such pastoral settings so close to the "big" city is one thing that makes Nashville such a wonderful place to live!

There are two things that I want to point out, although they're quite obvious. As I mentioned yesterday, we're experiencing quite a drought in the south this summer. These rolling hills are normally a vibrant green, but the lack of water has turned them into nothing more but organic kindling. In addition, if you look closely at the banks of the pond, you can see how much the pond has dried up as the edge of the vegetation is the normal water level.


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

A beautiful photo of a lovely place.

Here's hoping that you get some much needed rain soon.

Cheers from Boston!

Ioanna said...

Absolutely lovely. I'd like to stay in this house for a while.

Anonymous said...

Is is a shame, in many ways, that the cow pastures are gone. Once gone it never comes back.

Nice reminder of what we all loose and forget to remember. Where we live was once a swamp.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

travelphilippines said...

nice cute lil red house.